Transport Services to Support You

  • Go-Too Bus To book a go-too journey, download the go-too app from your smartphone’s app store or call 0300 123 5103.
  • Nantwich Buddies Transport Service:Nantwich Buddies can help people get to medical appointments if you cannot drive, have no friends or family available to take you and have no other way of getting there. Nantwich Buddies are the ‘last resort’ if all other options have failed!
  • Patient Transport Service – WMAS: The West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust provides non-emergency patient ambulance transport to Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust patients. The service can provide transportation for patients coming into Hospital for treatment, for those being discharged or for patients being transferred to another treatment site. If you require transport assistance, please call 0345 425 0050 to ascertain if you are eligible and would like to make a booking.

MCHFT Transport Contact

Please contact the Sustainability and Social Value Lead at Leighton Hospital if you require travel or transport advice. Their contact details are as follows:

01270 273374

Patient transport advice can also be provided by contacting the ambulance office at Leighton Hospital on 01270 612381.

Red Cross Leighton Discharge Service

British Red Cross can help you get home from Leighton Hospital and ensure you are safe and well with the essentials you need.

This service is free of charge, we can help with:

Essential shopping on the way home from hospital

Settle you back in at home

Offer support and welfare phone calls

Collect and deliver prescriptions, medical notes and equipment.

Signpost to local services for additional support.

Offer 2 weeks of support at home provided by our British Red Cross Cheshire East Support at Home Service

Contact: 07801 547 975

Traveline – Public Transport Information

Traveline are a partnership of transport companies, local authorities and passenger groups who have joined together to provide a reference point for all transport services across the UK.

For tailored transport information, please contact traveline on the following:

0871 200 22 33